Understanding Factories To Create Actors In Akka

In this blog post, we will be discussing factory pattern use cases and implementations in Akka to create actors. Factory of Actors As we already know, in order to create an actor, we need to instantiate an object of akka.actor.Props class with all the configurations needed to create…

Rescheduling Akka Schedulers

This blog post is an afterthought of myself working on Akka Schedulers in an official project. The objective here is to convey the challenges that one may face while working with scheduling/rescheduling Akka Schedulers. On this journey of ours to understand scheduling/rescheduling Akka Schedulers, we will be discussing…

Covariance & Contravariance in Scala: Connecting Dots

In this post we will try to fathom the concepts of covariance and contravariance in bare bones. We won't be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of variance and things like that in this post. You can find better posts online. This post deliberately doesn't discuss real…