Implementing Lagom Readside Persistence Using Slick

Persistent Entities in Lagom hold state of individual entities. In other words, they cannot be used to serve queries that span more than single entity. This requires us to create another view of the data that is tailored to serve rather optimized queries that span over multiple entities, which brings…

Mapping Exceptions To Idiomatic Http Responses In Lagom

In the last post we saw how Lagom provides us a default exception serializer out of the box to help us translate exceptions to appropriate HTTP responses in Json. We also learnt how Lagom treats exception translations differently when in production and in development as part of it's…

Exception Serialization In Lagom

Lagom is an open source framework for building systems of Reactive microservices both in Java or Scala. It provides many out of the box although opinionated APIs, implementation of supporting features and appropriate defaults to build, test and deploy entire systems of Reactive microservices at a fast, yet reliable pace.…